POSTED 3.3.2017
Orreco’s Silicon Valley story
StoryLab helped to tell Orreco’s story and the Irish sports performance company has been busy serving up some global headlines of the very best sort.
We worked with the Galway-headquarted company and Silicon Valley-based True Ventures to get the word out about a new $2m investment.
The support from True Ventures, an early investor in wearable tech pioneer Fitbit, will help Orreco make 30 new hires and open a new office in Los Angeles.
StoryLab helped bring the news to a potential audience of millions people worldwide, including numerous key outlets in Europe and the US.
Key to maximising coverage is the ability of a PR firm to excite news desks about potentially complex details, in easily understood terms.
As well as gaining print coverage, almost 20 separate pieces of online coverage achieved 200,000 views and 1,700 social shares on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
The story was featured by the influential Silicon Valley-based Venture Beat news site, Fortune, RTE,, Washington DC-based, RTE, the Irish Independent, Silicon Republic and Yahoo Finance.
Founder Dr Brian Moore was also interviewed live on Newstalk by business breakfast presenter Vincent Wall.